Dates and marks will be clear. Dates on these tend to be newer since they are in better condition. Minimum weight is guaranteed to be at least 100% of original minted/uncirculated weight. Coin / Bullion Type {bgacoindesc} Certification Status {bgacerttype} Grade if Certified {bgagrade} Cert Number {bgacertnum} Coin Composition {bgametaltype} Country of Origin {bgacountry} Denomination {bgadenom} Mint Location {bgamint} Year {bgayear} Fineness/Purity {bgapurity} Brand / Mint {bgabrand} Actual Precious Metal Weight {APMW} Total Precious Metal Per Order {bgatotalpm} Bullion Shape (Bar/Round) {bgashape} Strike Type {bgastrike} If Applicable (not all stats apply to all items). Coin / Bullion Type. Actual Precious Metal Weight. 0.18 oz per Quarter. Total Precious Metal Per Order. 7.2 oz Min. If Applicable (not all stats apply to all items). Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. We are very quick shippers! You might also like. 1989 Canadian Maple Leaf. 9999 Fine Bullion Coin – Marks/Spots. 1832 Large Cent Liberty Head. 1837 Large Cent Liberty Head. 999 Fine Silver – California Crown Mint (CCM) – 1984 Merry Christmas.