6-partial rolls, each ROLL contains 25 coin respectively of the year 2009 CIRCULATED “STATEHOOD” quarters as follows. 1-roll of 25, year 2009 quarter for AMERICAN SAMOA. 1-roll of 25, year 2009 quarter for GUAM. 1-roll of 25, year 2009 quarter for TERRITORY OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS. 1-roll of 25, year 2009 quarter for VIRGIN ISLANDS. 1-roll of 25, year 2009 quarter for WASHINGTON, DC. Total quantity is 150 quarters that are circulated and may be all from the Philadelphia Mint, all from the Denver Mint, or some from each mint–I have not checked the mint marks of the coins. These circulated coins will permit at a reasonable price to complete your Statehood Quarters collection with the last 6-issued that have been difficult to find. Those that are available are offered either in proof and/or uncirculated condition. Each territory coin and the DC coin. Consequently, these circulated business strike coins will suffice. A Statehood quarter collection that you now could give as holiday gifts.